GALLUP CLifton Personality Strengths Coaching

Understanding your personality strengths will empower you to step into your zone of genius

in career, relationships, family life & feel confident with your authentic self.

Together we can focus on one of these areas or all 4!

Would you tell Michael Jordan to practice football in his spare time? No!

When you are acting from your top strengths, you feel energized & authentic.

When you fall to your lower strengths, you feel weak, inauthentic & depleted.

Understand how to become your best self by first taking the Gallup Clifton Personality Strengths test.

Our sessions will help you to deeply understand how to step into and use your top strengths to become more authentically you at home, work & with your relationships.

As you can see from this graphic below, rather than grouping you like other tests into categories like introvert/extrovert, you are a snowflake & understanding your strengths helps you live fully as your most authentic self.

I help you understand & implement your strengths with our first session.

One month later, we meet again to see how acting from your strengths created many “ah-ha!” moments

& helped you feel and act more authentically.

In my career, I have navigated corporate management, marriage & partnership, parenthood & single parenthood, running my own businesses, manifesting & reinventing myself, the marriage of art and commerce & healing others.

With mindful communication & authentic relating, we explore ways to relate to others to express & connect on deep levels while maintaining your healthy boundaries.

Understanding my strengths has made me realize my value and how to become my best self. My top strength is MAXIMIZER which means I naturally see other’s potential and empower them to become their best selves.

Understanding your strengths helps you understand how you are infinitely unique and how to best communicate and relate to others and self.

Step #1:

Take the Personality Test

34 Clifton Strengths test with digital ebook $59.99

Have 30min of devoted distraction free time (you cannot pause it). Answer as if you had no work pressures. Who you are authentically.

For example, when I worked in the film industry I had to fit a mold that was not 100% how I’d like to answer the questions coming from how you are without any work pressures…make sense?

Step #2: Schedule 2 sessions with me:

  1. Initial strengths consult 60-90min - (1 need about 1 week with your results to prepare for this)

  2. 1 month later: we meet for a 60min strengths followup:

    How has the new awareness of your strengths changed your life? How have you integrated with this knowledge?

    Book time with me: Text or email

Step #3:

email your full results


email just Strengths #1-13 (top strengths) & #29-34 (bottom 5)

EMBRACE Your Strengths